
Driving School & Booking

City Drive School

Complete refit of the City Drive School making use of the Easy Edit system. We added features to allow the entire website to be updated at will.


Technical SEO


ACF pro

City Drive School, Website Build

Martin had a self built website for his business, City Drive School on Wix and was struggling to get the most from the platform.

He contacted us to rebuild his website, and we suggested a complete rebuild and move to WordPress.

Why this Tech Solution?

We build all our websites in wordpress, and pairing oxygen with acf allows ultimate flexibility down the line. It also means future tweaks and additions arem much easier to implement.

Adaptive Design

Martin had a lot of content to be added and tweaked, so it was really important to build a website that was easy to update but also updated automatically, and without breaking the design.

Content and SEO

For the editable content around the website, we used ACF to create CPTs for the various sections of the website. Eg, pricing boxes can be added, tweaked and removed without breaking the design. We did this around the website for the various sections:

  • Prices
  • Instructors
  • Locations
  • Reviews

For all website's we build for customers, we allow them to update and edit whatever they want, but restrict the ability to edit important H1 tags, meta data and about else that can hurt rankings in Google. We also do a similar thing with image alt tags, and we either write relevant ones or use dynamic rules where needed on certain pages.

On the custom CPT Single page templates, we use smart dynamic naming in headings, which makes these pages more distinct to Google. In the above example, the location pages pull through location data with no design work needed from Martin.

city drive school

Culprit Design

The Request

City Drive School wanted a place they could carve out a slice in in the Driving School Market, with well established competitors. It was important to build a website that oozed quality and met the expectations of young, modern users.
Culprit Design

The Solution

We built City Drive School to work using smart responsive design that guides users through the company goals. We added sticky booking and call button on mobile devices, to increase bookings.
Culprit Design
We Blast Past Speed Benchmarks

Lightening Fast

We always put a huge emphasis on speed, and with a little over half a second to load. We have processes in place to ensure fast consistent speed, no matter the customer's location.
Culprit Design

Bespoke Design

UI built to meet the need of Martin and his customers
Culprit Design

170% ↑

Increase in YoY growth on bookings after new website launched!

We're Going Green

We're Acting to Offset Our Carbon Footprint

50x trees planted for every website we create / host
We offset the carbon generated from day to day operations
100% renewable energy usage at Google servers
2x carbon offset from Stablepoint
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